Book design commissioned by Melcher Media. Darfur Darfur Life/War is a powerful collection of images from some of the world's most celebrated photojournalists documenting an ongoing genocide in Sudan. The book not only serves to remind us of the genocide, but also extends a platform for action against these crimes.


"When one looks through the following pages, studying the anguished faces of proud Africans who have watched their loved ones murdered and then have been forced to live in squalor, stripped of that dignity they cherish, one is overwhelmed with rage, with sorrow, and with shame. These chilling and humbling photographs transport us to Darfur, a place where any “explanation” of international dynamics fails to suffice. All of us—citizens, journalists, aid workers, bureaucrats, and politicians—must open ourselves up and allow these photographers to restore our sight and, again, all these years after the Holocaust, to shock the conscience.” – SAMANTHA POWER 


The book

The book's small trim size, lay-flat binding, and unique design work together with the images, detailed captions, and an essay by Pulitzer-Prize winning author Samantha Power gives readers an intimate and incomparable look at the ongoing crisis in Darfur.

14 cm by 28 cm, 208 pages, printed in Singapore, hardcover wrapped in kraft paper with partial slip cover.


The traveling exhibition


Designed and assembled 20 panels for an outdoor exhibition in Dakar, Senegal during the 2008 Organization of the Islamic Cooperation. The goal of the exhibition was to bring awareness and provoke peaceful roundtable conversations around the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region. 

This exhibition was produced in collaboration with Art Works Projects and an extension of the Darfur Darfur Life/War book project. 

Senegal 031.jpg

Lynsey Addario
Mark Brecke
Helene Caux
Ron Haviv
Paolo Pellegrin
Ryan Spencer Reed
Michal Ronnen Safdie
Brian Steidle

This project was created under the direction of Giorgio Baravalle, de.MO.