Signs for Peace


Signs for Peace, An Impossible Visual Encyclopedia


Over several years of research, the Design2context Institute intensively examined the representation of peace and compiled a comprehensive collection of images. In order to include a number of historical, cultural, and political perspectives, the archival aspect was supplemented by workshops in crisis regions. 

The encyclopedia — which, as new sociopolitical situations continue to arise and call for new pictures, must inevitably remain incomplete — provides a broad overview of the iconography of peace, and is also intended to assist in gaining an understanding of the concept.

"Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one" – JOHN LENNON

An impossible book 

The project's research continues the reflexive force that can be inherent in the images, while taking into account that peacefulness is neither achieved in the absence of discord, nor is it fulfilled in the absence of violence and war - perhaps they themselves are only symptoms of peaceless politic and practice of life.

This book represents a significant contribution to future discussions on the need and desire for peace in political and social life.

As well as giving an overview of the iconography of peace, the book boldly looks to help assist in gaining an understanding of the subject.

600 pages, 1762 illustrations.


Lead Researcher : Monya Pletsch
Image Researchers : Maru Martinez, Julie Royner, Daniel Unger, Megan Hall
Design : Ruedi Baur, Megan Hall
Published by Lars Müller Publishers

Featured on the front page of The Arts section of the New York Times. 
International Council of Design
Design Week
Haaretz Review 
Eye Magazine Review
Fonts In Use